Sunday, April 5, 2009

Masterclass on Wednesday

Greetings to the 3 of you that read this fecking thing.

I have a masterclass on wednesday, at Ewart Hall, 8pm. It's an oppertunity for those whom are interested to ask me questions about what i do, and to see me play semi-live (i say semi because i'll be playing over backing tracks of my material... so the only thing live is me... no band...).

Length of the masterclass will vary, depending on how many (read if any) people show up, and the questions asked and whatnot. I'll be performing some of my popular tunes, and afew which i have thus far not done live yet....

For those of you who have nothing better to do, i suggest you stop by.

In other news, i ordered a Duduk last night, so i look forward to getting it & learning how to play such a wonderfully expressive instrument.... Assuming i can that is... I've tried woodwind and failed (tried clarinet once... didn't take), so i'm hoping that i can get on with it. It falls into the double reed catagory so it's not easy in that regard, but the embouchure needed to play it seems significantly easier then the clarinet one (which is a pain in the ass...). I mostly didn't follow through with clarinet because it just wasn't expressive enough for me... i want to be able to slide and bend around and add varying widths of vibrato and pitch to a note ((much like i do on guitar), and as far as i know, that doesn't work on Clarinet.

I'm also toying with the idea of buying an Oud. I'm learning the Maqams, and although i'm looking to play them on fretless guitar... I have to confess that it does sound really different and that the sound of the Oud really is where those scales lie in terms of authenticity...

Finally.. after this masterclass is out of the way, i'll be resuming work on my album.
Now if you'll excuse me, i've pulled my right arm bicep from working out too much yesterday and need to strech it....


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