Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's almost over..

The fucking god awful shit fest total oblivion of 2011 is almost behind us... Thank FUCK....

Seriously... Hands down this has been a terrible year.. Just to name some of the travesties:

  • Having a full blown Anxiety / Panic Attack at Taboula
  • Hearing an angry mob, followed by incredulous amounts of gunfire, outside my place of residence (posted a video with that)
  • Being almost out of a job & making almost no money this year
  • Nerve / Muscle problem in my left shoulder
  • Dropping my wallet with my savings in it in a car park (was recovered, but the whole Ordeal aged me by 6 years..)
  • Having to fork over said savings to help out a person in need, leaving me completely broke.
  • My main 500Gig hard disk Failing for no other reason then to make me age another 6 years...
And these are just the shit things that come to mind, there were plenty more, also some on a personal level which I won't go into out of respect for those involved (even though they are Wankers of the highest nature).

Seriously, this year has been a real test... But I feel I've come out with my head... well... I think more tightly screwed on... or off.... I don't know...

I've made my resolutions, and consequently will be kick starting 2012 off on the right note. New Website! New Album! New Marketing Strategies! A Comic! Production Services! etc etc.. Basically focusing on my career as an Independent Artist & Business Man as it were.. Something I was very good at in the past, but decided to forgo to focus on my Job at A.U.C, because I thought that was the right thing to do....

Ultimately, after 4 years, I can see that it plainly was NOT the right thing to do. The work I've done there has meant so little to so few, and If I quite tomorrow, it wouldn't make the slightest of differences. I focused my time and efforts there, and neglected my Guitar playing, and my career, because I liked the idea of steady work, but there are no certainties in life...

Anyways, I worked like Hell, and made very little monetarily speaking. Whereas as a producer, the few jobs I have done paid me half a semesters salary in what amounted to a day or two's worth of work (enjoyable work too.. not frustrating B.S work...)...

So the focus next year is my REAL career, and that hopefully means 2012 will be a much better year as it were. I'm really anxious to see what the critical reception of 2035 is going to be like.. It's very left of field from my previous works, and is something that fans of commercial music would actually listen to.. Assuming I can get their attention that is.

I also have high hopes for the Comic series, since I can see that being a good little business, which hopefully could grow into a little production studio, I could hire artists, and turn it into a small business for producing online comics... ahhh.. wishful thinking... But you never know...

So yeah, Next year I'm going to be extremely busy with these projects. Amidst them as well, I shall be building a portfolio for media work, So I can snag more contracts, Working on my romantic Comedy screenplay (now there's a shot in the dark...), and finally, my studies into Mugham, which hopefully may lead to me writing a book on the matter.

2011 has been terribly unproductive... I've spent atleast half of it procrastinating... But I guess I had to get it out of my system for preparation of the works for 2012!

What are your resolutions for 2012? How will you cope? and What will you be doing before the "Golden Era Of Man' is ushered in?



Thursday, November 10, 2011


Howdy folks, As always, it's been awhile since I last blogged.

You'll have to forgive me, but my life really isn't that interesting.... Aside from drinking coffee, yelling out profanities at my machines, and working and surfing the world wide web, I pretty much don't have anything else to blog about. I don't go to parties, or meet strange and exotic people... Mostly because as i have mentioned a zillion times already, I don't really go out, or have many people in my life whom I'd refer to as "real" friends.

So, today is a historic day, one that will never occur pretty much any other day. But for those who are inclined towards the significance of numbers, it is a most interesting day none the less.

What will you be doing today?

Well, it's November, and I am still working on 2035..... Well, the irony is that there is a ridiculous amount of procrastination going on... I could literally finish it in a day or two with my old work ethic... But for the life of me I cannot be buggered to... And can't seem to focus on anything longer then afew minutes. I have to track some guitars for "thirteen" and "cyber-nightmare" (wrote some new material for that today!), add a minor touch to "the game we play", and some Minor things to "no more" and it's done... 13 tracks of awesomeness...

I'll be posting videos n whatnot to my YouTube channel soon about all that stuff, soon hopefully... Definitely before Lets see, what else... Hmm... I'm still depressed and insomniated... Still a hermit... Still broke... Hmmm...

Ah I know. Technology, since we all love that right? I've been tinkering around with my android phone, there's a neat app for controlling my daw software via wifi, which I will also do a video of soon. And, I've gotten the awesome moog synth in my iPad, and will probably use it on those last two songs for 2035, since it really does sound that friggen cool!

Other then that, the weather here has finally cooled off, people are still talking politics (Zzzz...), and i'm still wondering what my next move is after 2035 is hitting the www airwaves.... Considering the music industry is basically a zombie right now.... As much as I'd like to do other projects, I have to serious contemplate and make a plan... Do I still want to be where I am in life in 5 years? Because it certainly seems that will happen if I don't make some significant changes... But then again, the more things change, the more they stay the same, no?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

He lives!

Yes folks, DFZ is alive and well.... Well....surviving.

Last few months have been what I call a returning experience. It seems history is always intent on repeating itself and more importantly, try as one might, your destiny will always be there waiting for you, regardless of the path you choose..

I've been pretty down and depressed (nothing new there), and spending allot of time in solitude and contemplation. Looking back on things, I've returned to the same old realizations and thoughts that I had many years ago... Nothing changed, I simply tried to ignore them and try to act as if they could be overcome.

I turned 29 last month, and it was a fairly eye opening birthday to say the least (one spent alone surprisingly enough). Looking back over the years I see the same old thing, the same straying of the path, denial, and irresponsibility to do what must be done...

I've wasted allot of time and energy amongst failures during those years, but by doing so, I've found myself in a wiser frame of mind. One can only know what must be done, after they have spent time understanding what is they should be doing.

What does this all mean? Well, I'm not vat liberty to say.. Only foolish people go around talking of things that might not occur or might not transcend, and I've spent enough time over the years acting foolishly...

On the topic of 2035, I'm happy to say that within the next few days all recording will be done, and a few more days the mixing for this tracks shall be done. After 10 days to two weeks, I'll have finished the mastering for it hopefully (rushing the mastering process is a great way to ruin all the hard work done during mixing..), and basically after years and years of studying, working, writing, blah blah, it shall be completed.

It's been a strange feeling knowing that weight will be lifted off my shoulders... And that after all that time of dreaming and thinking, it will actually come to be...

Now don't get too excited.. The music is now more or less done, but there still remains a fair amount of work still be to be done. For one thing the graphic novel.. Which I think I will release In parts as a comic. This gives me the chance to make use of the online comic stores that are commonly used on iPads n such.

So.. When is this crazed fool going to release this fabled work for us to absorb? In short, not this year.

Yes you read that right, not this year.

2011 has been a fucking horrible year. The amount of horrible, nasty, unfortunate, and shitty things that could happen has been overwhelming.... And not just for me, but for many. So I don't think I should jinx my years of hard work by releasing my works in the year that so much god awfulness has occurred....

I'm thinking early 2012. That why I still have plenty of time to put together the novel, the promotions, pr, press releases, photos, merchandise, cups of tea (kidding), and so forth.

I mean it's September now, before you know it it'll be christmas, and then before you know, January.

I do intend to release snippets of things here and there though, to keep your appetites wet. So hang I'm there, and keep listening.

Peace n much love,


Friday, June 24, 2011

Insomnia & The interesting yet somber deterioration of ones sanity

Ahhhh... Where did it all go wrong?

It's summer time, and usually around the time I get my yearly bout of Insomnia. Admittedly it's usually bearable, and ironically I get allot of work done & despite the disorientation, is usually enjoyable.

I haven't blogged in a long time, but in all honesty, who bloody reads these things anyways?

Anyways, I've been working on and off, mostly off, since I cannot seem to find the energy or motivation to finish what I've started. It's a very unusual feeling, to be completely unexcited half the time about ones own musical endeavors. I guess it's the sign of the times, and more importantly, the inevitable wake up call of the reality of the situation.

I've been doing the "DFZ" thing since late 2007, and it's nearly hit the 4 year mark. One would think in that space of time, things would evolve, move forward, expand, etc etc, but they really haven't much, or I should say not in the way that I've intended. I find myself for probably the 5th or 6th time in my life at a Crossroads, and as per usual, am standing there, waiting for the right path to illuminate itself.

A foolish person might misconstrue my mental commentary as bitterness, but alas, I am a realist, and as such, have no negative feelings towards the outcome of the situation, or my chosen profession. This is a business, and as a business person, I've neglected all the points of smart business approaches, in favor of a "lets just avoid the marketing B.S and just throw it out there and see what happens" approach. I chose not to sell myself and just let the music do it's own thing...

Naturally, in this day and age where everyone and their cat is a recording "artist", with a Youtube page & Myspace with their own songs available for $.99, so it's no wonder really that there's a need to grab peoples attention from the overly saturated online music store shelves. "2035" will be the first time I take "smarter" approaches to actually marketing a product & making a big deal out of it. "Silent Echoes" was more of a collection of "good" demos, hence my releasing it for free, and "Failure To Adjust" was a completely different sound to my previous works, hence my own confusion in how to market a guitar instrumental album which hardly had any guitar hero moments on it... but with 2035, things are different, it's not your run of the mil DFZ album by any means... Anyone looking for ambient or spiritual sounds would be better off checking out my earlier works, anyone who wants to have their ass handed to them... 2035 is going to do that & much more..

So that brings us to the burning question, when the bloody hell are you going to finish & release it??!

Well, believe it or not, I have been working very hard on it, and I think it was the insomnia, because I hadn't realized until recently that it's mostly finished... I thought it was at the 50% mark.. whereas it's closed to 75 / 80%, and with my recent works on a new song (the title track "2035" for the album), it's actually closer to the 90% mark. Not much guitar left to track, just afew things here and there, some re-doing of some minor things, and mixing, but otherwise, it's more or less there...

BUT! Like I said, I have no intention of finishing it and just hastily throwing it out on iTunes in the hopes of getting listeners, oh no.. we've tried that... it just doesn't BLOODY work now does it... We're going to play hard ball... Marketing! Promotion! Caffeine! Unicorn Stickers!....umm....wait...

Tacky humor (admit love it) aside, there's the other aspect of 2035 which I've been lax on. The prologue is done, but I intend to get more work done on that side to promote the album more. I don't want to spoil anything, but lets just say in a month or two, things should start to get interesting.

For the whopping 2 of you whom have nothing better to do then read the ramblings of a crazed individual, I salute you, and recommend A coffee and a plate of Bourbon creams next time you decide to waste 10 minutes of your life reading my insanity.

Yep... I'm Done. Now bugger off....

Monday, April 18, 2011

The plot thickens...

Greetings & Salutations... Or whatever..

Work continues on the 2035 project, although I can see the coming heat is definitely going to have an impact on my workflow.. Last few days have been nightmarishly hot & I'm guessing this kind of heat this early means it's going to be a rough summer....

For those of you who are in the dark (to avoid that, sign up to my Facebook fan page, the link is in the become a fan box), I'm doing a Graphic Novel, to accompany the music of 2035. I had the Idea years ago for a movie, then I thought an animation, but either way that's too much work for a single person, so a glorified full length comic (a.k.a Graphic Novel) is the best way to go.

I've posted some concept art on my facebook page, and I guess I'll post more of it here as time progresses. In the meantime enjoy a rough sample page from the book.

The download cards arrived and are looking good. I have absolutely no idea about how to distribute them, perhaps I might put together some live shows at the end of the year.. Time will tell.....

More to come, so stay tuned.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Post – Revolution Blues

Hey All.

Sorry for not keeping this blog that up to date, but I find it hard to find something worthy to write that would grab a persons interest, and be worth taking 5-10 minutes out of their lives for…


Things are kinda “Funky” at the moment, and I find myself (for probably the 3rd or 4th time in my life) at a crossroads… We all know the paths that lead the way are many, but after years of walking said path, I am finding that it leads to nowhere, to nothing, and alas, find that I cannot walk to nothing anymore…

2035 is coming along very well, much better then I was thinking, in terms of “consistency” and coherence, since I’ve not done a whole project of this stature before.. Very heavy, very middle eastern, very raw, and very cool….

For those of you who aren’t aware of the idea, 2035 is a concept album based around a story / idea I had years ago (2004-2005) and left aside. I wrote the first chapter into a movie script, and left it at that, and said eventually I’d come and write the second part. So instead of writing another movie script, I decided to make a graphic novel. And as such 2035 will be a graphic novel + album kind of thing. I had this idea quite awhile back, but Llexi of “Eternal Descent” beat me to the punch.

After knowing about E.D I was contemplating just forgetting the idea, but after speaking to Llexi briefly on youtube, He was quite supportive of the idea, and I didn’t feel like my project was similar enough to his to not want to move forward with it. Just goes to show: if you have a good idea, go with it now… never know who is going to have, or has already had, the same good idea…

Ultimately I have realistic hopes for 2035, seeing as the music industry is now officially dead & buried (or I should say a zombie), albums do not sell beyond their current fanbase, and my fanbase is not entirely large, and is based in countries where buying a record and not downloading it is a bizarre concept…

My hopes lie in the that the graphic novel will catch a larger audience, mixed with the more “raw" sound of this project, compared to my more somber and atmospheric efforts.

My job at AUC has been heavily affected by many changes, some created by individuals, and more obviously, the revolution. Whatever future I thought I had there, seems to be made redundant, and I feel that my time there has more or less run it’s course. As much as I’ve enjoyed my time there, I don’t think I can continue onwards with the things that are going on, in front, and of course, behind the scenes….

Fortunately, there is other work for individuals like myself, in our respective careers, and I can step away from the ugly world of academia (trust me, I’ve seen some things I would not expect from “learned” people…) and back into the world of music production. I’ll be announcing things more formerly when they’re all taken care of.

So that’s it for now, stay tuned, as you can probably tell from this blog post, alot has changed, and there are more changes to come, I’ll be keeping you all up to date, as soon as I find some clarity…

peace n much love,