Saturday, March 28, 2009

One Fine Month

Well, as i sit here and type this, i can't help but look back and relfect on the last few weeks, and how much i valued the times that occured.

Generally speaking the last 6 years of my life have been something of a blur, mostly because it's been fairly negative stuff, and i've just rolled with it... Very little good has taken place.. yet in the last 4 weeks, it almost kind of made up for that.

I got to spend time around people whom give me hope that things aren't as bad as they seem, and that even if you're not looking to be a part of something or surrounded by positive energy, you can't avoid it (which is a good thing). I probably did more in the way of activities and socialising in the last 4 weeks then i have in the last two years.... Crazy to think what exactly i've been doing to pass the time and do that thing which most people do; live....

Raquy & her friends (from left to right: Lara, Adama, Raquy & Natalia) are just the nicest bunch of people a person could meet. Seriously, i've only known Raquy for a short amount of time, yet she & her friends have treated me better and welcomed me more then people i've known for over a decade, and even family members....

Also getting to hang with Master Rami was a real blast... And being part of a social group again was an interesting experience, one that i haven't had in over 8 years.... Time really does fly on by....

The girls flew out last night, and i have to say that it's going to take some time adjusting back to to my normal routine, of work... and well...... just work and being at home.... On the positive side, i'll make use of the time to get back into shape and regain the weight i lost over the last 3 months (this always happens to me during january/february, due to obvious reasons..) and to work and try to complete my upcoming album. I actually wrote a new piece after the girls left and i was sitting in the terminal waiting for my cousin to come out (he helped them with their excess weight issues for their luggage).

This experience has been what i needed i think... I've been in a real funk since December, and i wasn't sure what was going to happen or what to do.. since i felt myself slipping deeper and deeper... Spending time around Adama & Natalia was definately food for the soul, and i feel truly blessed that i had the chance to talk and be with them.

Ultimately i could go on all day about the experience and just how incredible these 4 women are... but i'm tired, and hardly anyone reads this fucking blog anyways....

I'll elaborate more when i'm in a more elo....eloqui.... fuck me.... i can't spell anymore (eloquiant?) I'll fucking elaborate when i can think of some cool shit to type.....

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