Saturday, May 31, 2008

The End of semester

Thank the good lord... it's finally over...

Spring semester 2008 is over and i'm done teaching. The finals and exams went how i'd anticipated... which is both good and bad.

Quite few students put forth the effort and got an A... and about half the class has to settle for a C grade (and few B's here and there).

For those who read this: Congratulations on your A.. and for those who got a C... study hard... you should not take your time at the university for granted. Many people do not get to further their education, and for allot of you.. you're wasting a crucial point in your life: The time to better yourself and prepare for the years to come... in the real world.

Admittedly most of you are spoilt rotten by your parents and don't take any real responsibility for your actions.. all i can say to you is that you better grow up... because nobody likes an asshole.....

Anyways, now that the semester is done and dusted, i can get to work on all my projects that i've been neglecting to make sure i was doing my job properly. First and foremost i'm going to work on new material to release later in the year, then there is the possibility of some fusion playing with some good players, some production work, some scoring work, maybe some clinics / workshops, and finally, some good hard practise.

more to come when it comes...