Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Echoes of Rain - Past & Present

Hey All,

For those of you keeping up with my info, you'll know that i'm climbing up the charts over at Reverbnation.

The song in question is one of my own personal favorites and is a fan favorite aswell. The piece in question is "Echoes of Rain", and is from the "Silent Echoes" album.

Generally music is interesting in how it unfolds, and changes over the time, in reflection of the artist and their art so to speak. The piece has changed a fair amount, as my musicianship increased, and I guess from being in the moment with an audience and taking that improvisational leap into the unknown.

The first video from when I was working on the piece for the album (2007)

A performance at The American University Of Cairo, New Cairo Campus, Malak Gabr Theatre

And finally, a Private performance for you all, 2010, With a proper audio recording of how I play the piece now with all the sounds I create using Guitar Rig 3

I'm glad I caught this performance on camera. It was 90 degrees and dry... But as I started to perform this piece, this strong breeze just came out of nowhere.... And seemed to react to my playing intensity... Was a special moment & I'm happy to share it with you all.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hey all,

Quick update. I've been focusing more on my web presence & promotion, primarily with ReverbNation, since I'm actually No.6 on the charts for my region!

So for those of you who have blogs, I'd appreciate it if you're a fan if you can place one of these Banners on your page to help promote my music:


To get the code for these, either copy them directly from this post, or to make your life easier, go to this page and pick the ones you want and it'll give you the code:


Once again, Thanks guys, you've made a big difference, and your support over the years has been very encouraging & inspiring. There are times where it seems like making a career out of music is a shot in the dark & hopeless, but then every once in awhile, people like yourselves come out & make us realize that anything is possible.

And for those of you who are interested, here's my video for the excellent Shred this 3 competition:

Thanks to Laurie Monk & Brett Garsed for this, The backing track is awesome & i'm going to enjoy practicing on it for many years to come.

Till the next update, keep spreading the word!