Friday, May 29, 2009

End of the Semester!

Hey Folks,

Where have i been all month? Well.... I've been busy!

The semester is finally over, and i was practically living at AUC this last few weeks making sure what needed to be done got done, so it would be a smooth finish.

Over the last few weeks i've gotten better at the Duduk... although i can see it truly is one of those simple instruments that takes years to get good at. I can improvise around and make it seem i'm better then i am, but i think playing set pieces and playing in certain keys other than A will take allot of work. I need to get another Duduk actually since the one i have is not as high quality as i thought, and get some reeds too, to play them in and have them age as i practice and get better.

On another non-music related note: (and i can't believe i'm typing this) I am seeing someone! Indeed, DFZ has a girlfriend apparently... Even more interesting... she's a student. Now... hold your horses... she's not a student of mine.... so calm down... and more importantly this was a mutual thing, no chasing after anyone here... we just met and clicked. I'd seen her around campus but didn't cross my mind at all (since i am not one for dating or getting involved with students), but this is definately an exception.

Her name's Mary, and we have so much in common it's not even funny.... seriously, it's quite strange to meet someone like that... Call it luck... Call it Fate.... Call it Absolutely Nothing! Either way it's been interesting after so many years to be involved with someone. It almost feels like it hasn't been that long.. but deep down i know it has, and i have to admit to feeling somewhat like a fish out of water at times....

That said, it's been an enjoyable month, and it's interesting to see things get better for a change, instead of getting worse.

Now that i'm done with Uni for the summer, i can focus on my music and get the album(s) done. I'm looking to focus on F.T.A since it doesn't need too much work i think, and i reckon by july i can have it finished, and then in August i can work on other bits n pieces... I'll have to see how it goes.

I feel like there is something else i should be mentioning here, but i cannot for the life of me remember what it is....

I guess i'll save it for the next blog post!



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