Friday, February 27, 2009

Rain, ill Again, Mundane,

Howdy. That's a shot of the library building at night, when it rained on Monday. I was on campus for a meeting, and turned out there was no 8:15 bus.. it was 8pm.. I'd missed it by about 3 minutes, and got caught in the rain, till the 9:15 bus....

In retrospect it was kinda cool to be out in the rain, considering just last week i'd performed "Echoes Of Rain" for the faculty showcase. I was pleased by how that went.. I'd never played it live infront of a silent audience, so i'm glad i managed to play it without screwing it up.....
On a duller note though, I'm fairly Ill.. and managed to break my voice on Tuesday, from a mix of having a cold/flu from being out in the rain, and for lecturing for like 5 hours. I had to take Wednesday off because i literally had no voice whatsoever... But i had to go in on Thursday.

Guitar classes i can reschedule or miss if i'm Ill, but actual classes i cannot miss without prior notice, and have to make them up. So i went in, and since it's a sight reading class i managed to get by. That's the beauty of the language of music, it doesn't need words. After having one of the students read out a note explaining the situation, I proceeded to clap out some basic quarter note and eighth note rhythms, which the students had to transcribe.

Aside from afew students, i was suprised to see just how bad it went. Allot of the students aren't studying enough, and when my voice returns, i'll be sure to make that point on tuesday.....

The worst part though was when i moved onto scales... i wrote out a scale and they had to tell me what major scale it was.... it seems none of them has bothered to memorise the Circle of Fifths & Fourths....... Very tedious trying to get students to learn stuff which makes their studies easier...

Unfortunately i can see as plain as day that a large percent of the people in that room took the course looking for an easy grade, and didn't expect the amount of work involved, or a professor with high standards, who's not a push over.... Infact i've made it quiet clear.... i don't care if a student wants to jerk off... bottom line though when i flunk em... don't come whining to me about it...........

I've been working on the zentar allot, but i'm not going to go into details till i actually get the bloody thing to work.

Also on a brighter note, Raquy Danziger, Middle Eastern Drumming Extrodinaire is coming from istanbul next week or so, so it'll be great to see her again and catch up. Later in the month Rami Is also coming, so it'll be good times for me this month. No more being a reclusive studio rat....

Just hope my health picks up... last 3 months have been a real bitch....

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